In this section I'll be sharing some OScript code snippets which may be of assistance to others as they build their own modules. At present the snippets include :
- Can create Node
A snippet that provides a method to see if a user can create a Node of a specified SubType in a specified Container in Livelink.
- getVersionInfo
A snippet that provides the version information for a specified Livelink Module.
- getDefaultURL
A snippet that provides a default link for any specified Livelink Object.
- Connect to other databases
This code snippet details a mechanism to allow you to connect to other databases within your OScript.
- isAModule
A snippet that provides a test to see if a module has been installed on that Livelink server.
- IsCoOrdinator
A snippet that provides a test to see if the current user is a Co-Ordinator of a specified project.
If you have a code snippet that you would be prepared to share with the wider community, please
contribute it.